Her family has no history of diabetes, also her blood pressure and cholesterol have always been normal. This really sounds like a person who should not have diabetes.
Accepting diabetes, June took action. "What's next? I read a lot. I sought experts to help sort through the confusing information," says June. Her first nutritionist began every sentence with “You can’t…” so she found another. Alana Sugar, nutriontist, helped her to put it all together. Alana Sugar introduced June to Dr. Chalid Ashry and the BALANCE USA program.
Today, June limits her carbohydrates. Two days every week, she does weight training, and walks with her new best friend (her pedometer) at least three days. June is currently working on the total body weight but has not had an insulin injection for more than a year and all her numbers are good now.
Success is rarely achieved alone. June wants to thank...
her supportive husband, family & friends, her work as a CPA to exercise the mind, Miss Lucie, her adored pet parrot, & the Incredible health professionals, who really care.
her supportive husband, family & friends, her work as a CPA to exercise the mind, Miss Lucie, her adored pet parrot, & the Incredible health professionals, who really care.
If interested in making changes, contact Alana Sugar at alanasugar@comcast.net for more information or visit http://www.alanasugar.com/
1 comment:
I'm Alana, the nutritionist for the BALANCE project. I am really excited to be part of a great program specifically designed to help people with Type 2 diabetes to get better.
I am here to help in any way that I can. It is especially wonderful to see that people have the opportunity to rely more on lifestyle changes than on drugs.
And of course, experience shows me that food plays a very important role. I believe that human beings need to eat Whole and Real food, just like our ancestors before us.
Our human bodies are designed to run on food that can easily be recognized at a cellular level. I hope to teach about wonderful, deliciuos food that is real and whole, and life-supporting.
I have great ideas and lots of alternatives to packaged and processed foods, and I am happy to be available to you all.
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