Juan, personal trainer at Fitness First of Reston working out Thanksgiving Day on the stair climber! We are thankful to Juan for his hard work with BALANCE participants!
This is a great machine for a good cardio workout or warmup!
An exciting new weight loss program for those at risk for, or currently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes
Hi, Bridget! I just wanted to let you know that things are going well with my BALANCE USA program in the Chantilly Fitness First. It got off to a rocky start because they weren’t aware of the program at all when I stopped into activate my membership with them and make an appointment with a trainer—but I must compliment the staff on their willingness to help. Kudos to Chris, the MOD and Kelly, the young lady at the desk that day. They bent over backwards to meet my needs!
Definition of Metabolic Syndrome:
Metabolic Syndrome is a name that is given to a list of risk factors that can increase a person’s chance of having a chronic illness such as heart disease or diabetes. If a doctor tells you that you have metabolic syndrome, it means at least 3 of the following are applicable to you:
Sharon tells us that her blood sugar in the morning typically reads 125. Today, it was 113!
She attributes the change from eliminating sugary root vegetables from her diet, like carrots and potatoes, and substituting quinoa grains and green vegetables, instead.
Congratulations, Sharon! =)